Rekindle your Hidden Insights!

Our brilliance lies in the silence not in the noise. If you are always switched on, there is no time for silence.

Some people, in an effort to avoid wasting time, constantly stay switched on. However, a 24/7 mentality leaves little room to recharge your batteries. Just as a phone needs recharging or a car needs fuel, we humans also need to switch off to rejuvenate.

Today more than ever, its easy to be constantly connected and engaged. Although this ability keeps you  busy, it does not necessarily make you effective. When you switch off, your whole system gets a much needed rest.

If you are always active and on-the-go, take some time to
switch off. This gives you a much needed rest only to return more energized, sharper and able to rekindle your hidden insights.

Watch Azim’s video message on the topic

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