In this age of information overload, our brains are busier than ever before. According to a study by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, we are receiving almost 6.9 million-million gigabytes of information each day on our mobile devices alone. And this is excluding the data we are exposed to from other media sources.
Deciding what information is essential and what can be ignored is a herculean task. The result is that we end up feeling overwhelmed and confused.
Here are seven simple ways to make better sense of the world around us:
1. Work in 90-minute intervals –
Generally our brains cannot focus for more than 90 minutes at a stretch. Studies by Professor K. Anders Ericsson revealed that elite performers like violinists, athletes, actors and chess players practiced in focused sessions of no more than 90 minutes. So take a short break after every burst to refresh your mind. Sip water or take a stroll.
2. Set limits –
Our attention is a limited resource and gets depleted over the course of activities, leading us to lose focus and make mistakes. Hence, instead of wading through all the information that comes your way, filter it. Schedule time slots and focus only on the task at hand.
3. De-clutter your mind and physical space –
A clean space leads to a clear mind.
4. Find new ways to relax –
Minimize your consumption of television and Internet. Read an interesting book instead. Or explore a new genre of music.
5. Exercise Regularly –
A Cambridge University study found out that jogging just a couple of times a week can lead to the growth of new brain cells in the region linked to the formation and recollection of memories.
6. Sleep and wake up early –
Sleep deprivation is big productivity killer. It not only affects our mental capacity in the short term but also leads to quicker mental or cognitive decline over time. Yet almost all of us are guilty of losing out on sleep.
7. Meditate daily –
If you want to understand the world better, you have to understand yourself better. Meditation is the quickest route to self-awareness and understanding. Meditate at least 20 minutes daily, followed by 10 minutes of quiet self-reflection. This alone time is critical for organizing your thoughts and life.