Striving for harmony

“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.” Rumi, Sufi Mystic

Life is in a state of constant flux. And the key to a fulfilling life lies in striking the right balance between its varied expressions. So whether we are a parent, a CEO or a friend, our different roles lend the richness to our lives and make us who we are.

Contrary to what we may think, striking a work-life balance doesn’t make us less effective.

In fact, it only makes us better workers than those who burn themselves out by focusing on work at the cost of family, health and harmony. Many senior executives complain that they have too many demands, too many interruptions and distractions. They struggle to prioritize and end up firefighting despite their best efforts. For them, work-life balance is an aspiration, albeit an elusive one. They often feel that if they eke out time for their family and personal needs, they will fall behind in their careers.

The truth is that a balanced approach to work and life leads to more success. By creating synergy between the body, mind and the soul you will be far more energetic and productive than someone who leads an unbalanced life.

Ultimately all of us are blessed with the same 168 hours in a week. However, while a few achieve major breakthroughs in life, the majority merely trudge along, wondering why they can never find time to do the things they want to. The ability to concentrate and use your time well is important if you want to succeed in business or in other areas of your life, and a well-balanced life is the best tool for that. When you are spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and economically balanced, then you’re a success.

Reflect on the following questions to assess your life balance:

• Are you clear what work-life balance means to you?

• Do you spend time with people, who are important to you?

• Do you regularly prepare a ‘not to do’ list against a never-ending ‘to do’ list?

• Do you regularly practice the Hour of Power: 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reading, and 20 minutes of meditation each morning?

• Do you focus on the 20 percent of things that give you 80 percent of the results?

• Do you schedule your most important activities first thing in the morning?

• Do you know where you spent your 168 hours last week?

• Do you emphasise results or activities?

• Do you write down your goals every morning?

The key is to look after your business (work, profession), your balance (work, health, social circle and family) and your beyond (spirituality, giving, purpose); and not prioritize one over the other. Paying equal attention to all three aspects will strengthen you as a person.

For more tips for an inspired way of living, read our latest book, ‘What You Seek is Seeking You’ by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy

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