I’m no longer happy working in the job I’m in, but am too fearful to change because of the financial security this job provides, my family responsibilities, pension, benefits etc. How do I change my mentality from “better the devil you know than the one you don’t know?”
Security is the biggest illusion in life. And this illusion not only keeps us cocooned in a false lull of the familiar world but also prevents us from exploring life and expressing the best of who we are.
The fact of the matter is that life is uncontrollable and unpredictable. So it can change any moment and upset our flimsy attempts at self-protection.
This does not mean that we should be foolhardy and ignore all risks; but understand that remaining static does not equal being secure.
In fact, our biggest regret at the end of our journey is not that we didn’t play safe but rather that we played too safe and did not explore all that we could become.
A bird would never leap off his perch and fly if it wanted to just play safe in life.
However, instead of hurtling into an abyss, take small steps. This will help you to plan your course better and get a grip on the uncertainty you feel threatened by. For instance, initially ask for a bigger role or more responsibilities in your current role. Maybe you don’t need to change your job, merely expand your current one.
Learn new job skills or take projects you have never attempted before. This will help you to strengthen your self-confidence and take on bigger challenges.