When you approach your day being fully present, you can savor every moment and expand your experiences.
Adding purpose and contribution to everything you do, invites fulfillment.
Beginning and ending your day with gratitude sums up your special day.
Every day is a special day. A day to live fully with purpose, contribution, and gratitude.
For me today is an extra special day because it is Tawfiq’s (my son) birthday!
4 Responses
Hello Azim:
This is a beautiful message for us to invite in our personal and professional lives!! Thanks for your inspiration!!
Also, Happy birthday to your son Tawfiq!!! May he have a wonderful birthday, fill with awesome surprises!! Bless you all!!
Elsie De Jesus
ARCO Publicidad
Thank you Elsie!
Happy birthday to Tawfiq.
Congratulations to Mom and Dad too.
Thanks Lucy!