Everything is a signpost leading to God

“Everything is a signpost to the Oneness of God” Ahmed Lmn Ata ’ Allah

The sun never fails to perform its function; the moon is never late. The seasons come and go, never failing to arrive. A child grows physically, mentally, and spiritually. The whole of creation evolves. No two moments are entirely alike. All that exists is a sign of God. For Sufis, this sign is the innate ability of the soul to perceive the presence of God in all things. As Muhamed Ibn Wasi says, “I’ve never seen a single thing without seeing God in it.”

People often ask: Where is God? The response is that God is all and all is God. God is in the bark of a dog; the buzz of a bee; the silence of a tree; in the stillness of the log; the hug of a mother; the smile of a child; the color of a flower; the singing of the birds. Everything is a signpost to the Oneness of God.

Imagine if God had never created anything? We would never have seen life — love, sunrises, sunsets, struggles, pain, gain, sorrow, joy. His creation blesses us to see His beauty in nature — the ocean, sun, moon, stars, birds, and mankind. What absolute magic! Ibn Arabi says, “Divine mercy that gives rise to the universe is existence itself. The very act of bringing things into existence is an act of gentleness and kindness.”

Creation provides for everything humans want. It provides for all human needs. God is most beneficent and most merciful. His arms are always open to us all. Rumi beautifully says:

“Come, come whoever you are, Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving, Ours is not a caravan of despair, Come even if you have broken your Vow a thousand times, Come, come again, come.”

This poem symbolizes God’s mercy.

Contemplate creation and marvel at its beauty, majesty, and complexity. When we ponder the natural world, we get a glimpse of the true wonder of creation. We begin to understand the beauty and wisdom of the universe and it’s Creator.

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