
Studio shot of golf ball resting on tee in grass.

Successful people have reached their pinnacles because they have all developed the skill of self-discipline.

Thomas Huxley’s words still ring true: “Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Discipline is essential in all sectors, but more so a huge plus for service providers, especially entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs rarely have superiors to watch over them to make sure they are getting their tasks done. They have to be their own bosses and supervise their own behavior. Part of their discipline requires them to buy-in firmly in behavioral economics – meaning, every behavior they display must produce economic benefit.

For instance, you may do things to contribute to good causes, however, your efforts don’t produce the required socioeconomic benefit for all concerned. Thus, even in cases of goodwill, you must assess whether you are using your time effectively and efficiently to produce the results you seek, and more importantly to provide maximum benefit to those you are trying to help.

Discipline also requires you to be clear about your purpose. The clearer your purpose, the more focused you will be on the areas that are really important in life. Once you’re focused, you’ll know which areas to delegate; which areas to completely throw out the window, and which areas to concentrate your best resources.

Discipline, purpose, and focus are three powerful ingredients for success! However, without discipline, it is difficult to remain focused and translate purpose into action.

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