Being Right not Crucial!

IMG_0049Have you found that some people are the most difficult to deal with? Not because they necessarily want to be difficult, but because their outlook on life is different from yours.

Such individuals can easily make you frustrated or angry because they appear unreasonable, and as such you will feel justified to react. This is when you need to remind yourself of Viktor E. Frankl’s message: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

If you react with frustration or anger, things are bound to get worse. But, if you choose your response by showing that you understand where the person is coming from, you will find peace and a much better outcome.

A frustrated or angry reaction may make you feel you are right. However, a thoughtful response will make you feel happy. In the end, it is you who decides whether you want to be right or be happy.

If you ask me – I’d choose to be happy over being right, hands down!

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