
flowers and paper for note on a table

“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” Rumi

Like attracts like. We all invariably attract what we focus our attention on. When your mind is actively fixed on a particular goal, it is natural to be more attuned to people, information, and activities related to it.

Have you noticed that when you are expecting a baby, you see more pregnant women than you would have before? Or when your head-down, focused on a particular goal, you seem much more connected to the people, information, and activities related to it? In his seminars, my colleague and co-author Brian Tracy says – you are a “living magnet” and you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas, and opportunities in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

Scientific research confirms that when you focus on a goal, the reticular activating system in your brain searches for people, places, and circumstances to support what you are thinking about, resulting in coincidences that help achieve your aspirations.

According to a physics theory called, “The Observer Effect,” the simple act of observing something changes that object in view at some level. With this line of thinking, each of us creates our own future through our thoughts. So why not put this knowledge to work in your own life by using it to be in command of your own existence, creating coincidences that will better your life’s pursuits.

Many well-known and well-respected artists, thinkers, performers, and creators have been able to embark upon their careers from such serendipitous moments.

These are coincidences which may appear to be simply accidents. However, as Albert Einstein said:
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

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