Unexpected challenges, enormous change or pressing deadlines are very real and happen to all of us. The secret to surviving them or rather thriving in them is not to get ruffled but to maintain your equilibrium and enthusiasm and to stay centered. By relaxing and staying calm, you’ll be able to handle things more effectively.
Involve your family and your colleagues in these challenges. You won’t feel alienated and they’ll also help you overcome these challenges.
When you are put to test, you can still stick to your values by making the right choice in the moment of integrity.
The more you exercise wise choices, the easier it is to continue to do so in the future. When you succumb to temptations you are less likely to withstand the real tests that are bound to come in life.
As you become a success, you face more challenges. With each success, the test gets bigger. As you overcome the first hurdle, a new one is put in its place. This is the universe’s way of honing your capacity and ability to succeed. There is nothing wrong with this since most of us never make use of our full potential. The key is to strive for balance as you tap into your genius!