Best time to visit

My dad stays at a residence where he gets 24/7 care. I have discovered that the best time to visit him is between 10.30 am and noon. At 10.30 am he has just finished his breakfast or is toward the end of finishing it. He takes a long time to eat his breakfast – enjoying every bite!

During this period he is calm and great to chat with. Usually, I take him to a corner where we can see school children playing from the window. He is fascinated by the children and comments about the time when he was their age. He also loves watching the birds fly by, and occasionally, we see an airplane.

After about 45 minutes or an hour, I take him down to the lobby where it is lively! We sometimes meet a lady with whom he is able to engage in a meaningful conversation.

Closer to noon we head back to his room where he is taken to the bathroom, washed and then ushered to the lunch room. At lunch he is occupied with others who stay there, and my mom then comes to visit him everyday between 2.45 pm and 7.15 pm.

For me to visit my dad between10.30 am and noon is difficult because it is prime time at work. However, whenever I am not out-of-town and am able to visit, I try to do so.

His first comment when he sees me is “I am so glad to see you” – a sentiment enough to make me feel fine to miss some work. Each time I visit him, my day is peaceful, productive and happy!

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