Ask Azim: Can greater awareness lead to more suffering?

QUESTION:  As I gain greater awareness with my daily meditation practice, I am also feeling a heightened sensitivity towards pain and suffering around me. I have started to wonder if awareness is leading to more suffering?

AZIM: As you move further on the path of seeking awareness, you begin to witness the interconnectedness of all life. One of the very first signs of this witnessing is your heightened empathy towards others. Your consciousness expands beyond your immediate self and you are now mindful of many more aspects of life and depths of feeling previously unnoticed by you. So while you become more sensitive to pain or suffering, you are also more capable of witnessing the sheer beauty and wonder of life. Awareness cuts through your mind clutter to bring you back to the present moment and makes the world come alive in its myriad hues and personas.

Zen balanced stones stack close up balance peace silence concept

Consequently you learn to rise above the immediate situation or discussion to understand what others are trying to communicate to you at a deeper level. You and the situation are now different and hence you are now able to view your actions objectively. You then learn to take complete responsibility for your actions, expectations and beliefs, understanding how they influence what you do. A keen sense of awareness will then help you to channel your negative emotions of sadness, anger or despair into constructive actions. So, even though the start may seem a little difficult, keep following your path and witness your inner growth.

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