
Little girl in funny big spectacles on grey

Your authenticity is your unique point of difference in a sea of people. Authenticity does not stem from your religion, culture, gender or nationality because all of these are external references.

Your authenticity stems from within you and is a reflection of the enormous imagination of creation.

No one was like you, is like you or will ever be like you.

It’s about ‘what makes you, you’. It is what gives you the freedom to express who you truly are and can become.

Do you think you are authentic? Ask yourself these questions:

• Do you genuinely believe everything you say to your family, team, customers, and stakeholders?

• Do you go deep to explore your motives in what you do at work, at home, in the community, with your friends?

• Have you discovered your innate gift and passion?

• Are you clear as to what is unique about you and your business (your personal and corporate brand)?

• Do you accept yourself unconditionally, imperfections and all? Acceptance is the first step before any change.

• Do you walk your talk?

• Are you transparent?

• Do you genuinely care about your team and customers?

• Do you admit to mistakes and apologize as required, (building trust vs. defensiveness)?

• Before embarking on something, do you ask yourself: Does this feel right to me?

Your inner light shines through you when you are credible and trustworthy, and honest enough to admit your limitations. The reality is that even with all your limitations, you are still unique and special.

Embrace who you are, flaws and all. If you try to be someone else, you only become a ‘second-best someone’. As they say: “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

A lot of people fear being themselves because they feel they won’t be liked or accepted. If someone likes you when you are living a lie, they may stop associating with you when they discover the real you; because sooner or later, truth reveals itself. By pretending to be someone you are not, just to be liked, you can have all the wrong people crowd around you.

Many of the most remarkable and successful people show that the benefits of being true to oneself and one’s beliefs far outpace simply aping everyone else’s values.

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