Ask Azim | Q&A (December 2016)


What is the ego and how do we eliminate it?


The ego is a façade or persona projected by our mind. When an infant opens its eyes to the world, he first becomes aware of the other, most likely his mother or caregiver. It is his first experience. Till then there is no concept of self. He is simply consciousness. Gradually his sense of independent self starts to develop in comparison to others. This comparison then gives rise to a feeling of separation or distinctness from the rest of the world, which is called the ego. In nature, this feeling was essential to protect oneself from dangers like wild animals etc. However, as humans have evolved, our preoccupation with our ego has heightened. Instead of using it as a tool for day-to-day functioning, it has become the very basis of our sense of self. And since the very premise of ego is protection, it feeds on fear-based emotions like judgment, comparison, jealousy or insecurity in relation to others. The ego derives its very identity and validation through its attachment. This attachment may be in the form of people or possessions.

Since the ego is a mind projection, there is no way to physically remove it. The only way to break this illusion is by growing in self-awareness. When we start to become aware and assured of our own presence independent of others, this light of self-awareness starts to obliterate the ego, just as light dispels darkness.

So instead of trying to eliminate the ego, simply observe it like you watch a movie. Don’t get immersed into its dramas or passion pleas by either regretting the past or worrying about the future. Remain detached and focus on what you can do best in the present moment. Once you start becoming alert and responsive to the present moment, the stranglehold of the ego will begin to weaken its hold on you.

In addition, the deeper you grow in self awareness through regular practices like meditation, the more fake and inconsequential the ego becomes, till you can see it for what it is: an illusion.

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