Ask Azim: How to create understanding amongst different groups of people at work?

The key here is to harness the power of the collective conscience. The collective conscience of a team is the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes that operate as a unifying force to achieve a common vision. However, this conscience can only be developed when the members of a team trust each other and view themselves as mutually accountable.

Building trust in the team begins with first building trust in yourself. Are you clear about your own vision, goals and approach? Lack of clarity can spell confusion, leading people in diverse directions and away from a collaborative approach. Also, having trust in yourself is not propped up simply on belief. It is based on a foundation of maturity and confidence to explore diverse feedback, defend opinions or ideas when challenged and accept criticism when valid.

When assessing the team, the first step is to acknowledge the strength in diversity. Each individual has distinctive strengths and viewpoints that the collective group can benefit from. Also, they might have different learning and working styles and may respond to different incentives.

Acknowledging the uniqueness of individuals and giving them a place to shine while simultaneously helping them to adapt themselves to the group requirement is essential to organizational success. Here the presence of a larger goal or vision can act as a unifying and motivating force for the group. Ensure that the goal evokes passion and is personal to them all.

Note however that understanding does not imply agreement at all times. Issues and disagreements can often provide healthy insights and also hint at any bigger underlying problems. Seek feedback by first being open about your own feelings and then encouraging others to share. Ask open and probing questions and listen actively to all feedback to explore ideas.

Finally, we have to remember that creating a common understanding and trust in the organization is not a static one time activity, but an ongoing and evolving process of mutual give-and-take, bolstered by open and fair dealings at all times.

The kind of relationships you build with the team will lay the foundation of their commitment to work with you, and enhance their trust and confidence in the bigger vision of the team.

For more answers, read our latest book, ‘What You Seek is Seeking you’ by Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy

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