Your choice makes all the difference

“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” ~ George Eliot

If you find things around you are not going as well as you would like, you have two choices. You can either complain or blame your circumstances or people in your life – your spouse, child, boss, colleague, competitor. The other wiser choice is to take charge and full responsibility for the situation.

The wiser choice would lead you to ask how you can alter the circumstances of your situation.
For example, if you are not getting optimum results from your team what are two or three things you can do to get a better outcome?

⁃       Can you organize a 90-minute brainstorming session with your core team to discuss what optimum performance looks like?
⁃       Can you set goals with your core team to focus on your core priorities for the coming 90 days?
⁃       Can you select two or three managers who report to you and ask their feedback on what you do very well as their boss and what you can do better? Can you ask them what they do well and what they can do better?

By making the choice of taking full responsibility, you empower yourself to create positive change!

As you choose, so you create. Choose wisely!

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