Are you clear about your priorities?
Is your time spent in alignment with your purpose?
Are you organized and methodical? Do you have effective systems in place?
Do you manage time or does time manage you?
Do you plan and use your most productive time to do the most productive work?
Some practical and inspiring tips for you are:
• Do the most important work first thing in the morning – as the first hour goes, so goes the day!
• Avoid too many interruptions. Some interruptions are necessary for doing business but you also need to carve out some non–interrupted time to get your important work done
• Delegate effectively. Be clear in your instructions when you delegate.
• Write down your goals every morning. Writing brings clarity and clarity helps focus. By writing your goals each morning you become very clear of where your focus should be.
• Eliminate clutter. Too much clutter results in a lot of wasted time looking for things. A clean desk with good filing system not only saves time but increases effectiveness.
• Emphasize results, not activities. Just because you are busy does not mean you are effective. It is not how much time you put in, but what you do achieve that matters.