The more you unlearn, the more you learn

We have learned a lot of things in life – through study, example and experience. Many things we have learned need to be seen in a different light for them to have a deeper meaning in our life. In other words, we need to unlearn what we have learned. This is not an easy thing to do because our belief system has accepted what we have learned as “gospel”. 
The moment you start questioning what you have learned you start seeing things deeper and in a different light. If you don’t take this approach, you will take most things at face value and at times, operate mechanically without much thought – as if on auto-pilot. 
Some people pray everyday, it is a ritual for them–which is a good thing. However, it has also become mechanical and lost its deep meaning. Try creating your own prayer or revist the daily prayer that you recite and give it attention to get a deeper understanding – you are bound to experience a totally different energy.

The more you unlearn, the more you will learn! 

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