Wind speaks not more sweetly to giant oaks than to the least of all blades of grass.
Kahlil Gibran
If nature is equally respectful to all creation, why do we humans discriminate? Whether it is the executive team or junior staff, respect is important.
When my son was younger, the principal at his school was a great example of someone who showed love and respect to both the teachers, and the students.. He knew almost everyone’s first name and built a bond with each one of the hundreds of children. This remarkable attitude brought out the best in the children because they respected him in turn.
In a corporation, the way we treat our staff will be the way they treat our customers. When we have a caring heart, people see that and perform better. They feel valued and cared for, and this builds trust.
We must remember that every person we meet in our lives is in some way a teacher from whom we can learn. Openness and humility are essential parts of promoting love and respect.
Our respect extends to the environment and social conscience, or how we feel our actions are connected to the world around us. We conserve our natural resources, remembering that the earth has been given to us by our ancestors in trust and that we need to pass it on to our children. We belong to the earth—the earth does not belong to us.
Love and respect always win over hate and anger. Martin Luther King said, “We must meet hate with love. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.” In a corporation, more gets done with love and respect than with bickering and strife.
Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Trust is built from love and respect and is a cornerstone for our future success.
Why do you do the things you do? Why do you do a good deed? Do you want to be seen and recognized by others? Does it give you a sense of power? Or do you want to make that difference in someone else’s life? What is your motive and intention behind your actions? Where does true happiness reside?
Ibn Arabi, the great Sufi Sheikh, says, “I proclaim the religion of Love, and wherever it carries me, this is my creed and my faith.”