You can set any goals that you like. However, you will need the support of others to realize your dreams. They constitute your power squad! If you fail to engage them, they will be passive staff waiting for instructions before they commit to anything.
One of the things you notice across the world in different corporations is the lack of alignment between top management, middle management, and the “floor staff.” For example, after a two full-day session with the top management of a reputable bank, it felt great as they were enthusiastic, energetic and buoyant. However, at the end of the two days, I had a dinner meeting with another client from a different business. The client shared with me an incident involving poor customer service that had happened to her that day in the same bank. I was surprised that the negative encounter had taken place with a teller, but as I reflected on the previous two days’ sessions, it was clear to me that while the bank’s top management was doing great, morale on the floor was low. This was costing the client in terms of reputation and credibility. Alignment of all levels is crucial for achieving success.
Just as aligning at all levels of your team at work is important so is aligning your own personal, family, and corporate values because it creates congruence and sustains your success.
Finally, as you engage your power squad be grounded in principles. Without a compass for truth, external success is short-lived!