When Opportunity knocks

When an opportunity presents itself to you, you take it!

My daughter Sahar who lives far from home (5 hour flight) wanted to chat today. I could have postponed the chat as I had many other things to complete, but for me her call was most important.

We spoke for 90 minutes which is most unusual for both of us as we tend to be short and sweet in our discussions.

The reason it took so long is because she had many important and exciting yet challenging things to discuss. I listened intently and gave her suggestions and guidance, some of which she agreed and took to heart, and others she did not agree with and ignored.

It was great to be able to chat with her in this manner. Had I missed this opportunity, it would have taken a long time to get such a chance again. Nine out of ten times you get a voice mail when you call her!

When a wonderful opportunity like this one comes knocking, you answer the call.

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