
You get a hunch and you feel very strongly about it.
Then you get some negative feedback from someone and you give up on the idea. Why do you that? 

You may think that your hunch was not backed by reasoning or proof, therefore it had no base. That could be true. Alternatively, your intuition may be spot on and even more powerful than your reasoned analysis. 

There is an amazing power within all of us that guides us. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, and many other highly successful entrepreneurs have all relied on their instincts to make important decisions and it has served them well. Why is that the case?  Because they trust their instincts.

If you do not trust your own intuition, how do you expect others to do so? Here are some ways to enhance your connection to your intuition:

1. Is body aligned to your intuition 

Your intuition and body are connected. If your body is feeling uneasy with your intuition it is a red flag. 

2. Do your values match 

Intuition comes from your inner source thus aligned to your values. If your intuition is suggesting something that does not match your values, then there is something amiss. 

3. Are you feeling or thinking 

The source of your intuition is the heart and it is something you feel. If the source of your intuition is your mind then it is not intuition 

4. Journal and test your hunches 

To enhance your trust test your hunches out a few times. Also, journal these experiences so you can revisit them.

5. Check your energy level

If your energy level is depleted around someone the message is walk away. 

6. Remain present 

If you are consumed by the past or the future it will be difficult to invite intuition. Intuition comes to you when you are in the now!

7. What manifestations are you consumed by?

If you keep saying that “I will be a winner no matter what the result” and believe this to be true then your intuition will guide you.

8. Take action pronto 

Once you have the intuition then do not dilly dally. Act pronto!

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