What do you do when a brilliant idea dawns?
Ideas come from a higher source, and acting upon them right away are expressions of gratitude for those blessings. By procrastinating we lose momentum and the intensity of the idea wanes.
If an idea gets you up in the middle of the night, act on it right away by attempting to implement your thoughts. It happened to me once, and by early morning I was able to put together material which I had been struggling to complete for the past few years! I could not believe how clear everything appeared.
I learned that we have to act upon a trigger right away – whether it is midnight or midday. If you are busy doing other things that are not priorities, put them aside and attend to implementing the new ideas.
While you are in the swing of things, address the following questions as well:
– What problem is your brilliant idea trying to solve?
– What ideal goal is your idea trying to achieve?
– What obstacles can you anticipate in implementing the idea?
– What different resources are going to be required to implement the idea effectively?
– What number of steps and different activities are required to implement the idea?
– Who in your team will help do what, and by when?
The above questions will probably not be addressed fully in one sitting and may require others’ input, but you can get a great start on them by posing them while in conception stage of your magical idea.