How to keep your purpose alive

You are a “living magnet” who has the power to attract people, ideas and opportunities into your life. Your dominant thoughts and affirmations act as the pull and push of these magnetic fields; whether they are positive or negative, your focused thoughts accordingly attract their consequences.

The more powerful your dominant purpose, the more the universe helps you in its manifestation.

In other words, your burning desire activates the law of attraction.

So this Christmas, I invite you to use the season’s positive energy to cultivate faith and use the following steps to keep your desire burning.

Initiate Your Day with the Hour of Power:

Kickstart your day with a powerful hour – 20 minutes of meditation, 20 minutes of invigorating exercise, and 20 minutes dedicated to reading something inspiring.

Recall Your “Why”:

Illuminate your path by regularly revisiting the overarching purpose behind your endeavours. Asking yourself why you embarked on this journey in the first place adds allure to your pursuits.

Reframe Your Questions:

Shift your perspective by reframing questions. Instead of pondering challenges, ask, “How would this goal/task appear if it were easy?” or “What singular action could render everything else less crucial?”

Embrace Simplicity:

Streamline your activities by delegating and discarding tasks that lack motivation or excitement. This ensures optimal time utilization and directs your energy toward attracting abundance and achieving your goal.

Leverage Body Language:

Harness the influence of body language on both external perception and internal chemistry. Boost your energy and confidence by adopting a “power pose” – chest out, arms spread, no slouch – for just two minutes, elevating testosterone levels and reducing stress.

Adopt the Five-Minute Strategy:

Overcome inertia by committing to five minutes of focused work, followed by a brief break. Often, this initial push is ample to propel you into a productive flow.

Incorporate Physical Activity:

Elevate mental clarity and shift your body’s chemistry through regular exercise. It’s a potent tool to enhance overall well-being.

Find a Motivational Companion:

Identify a reliable ally who can offer encouragement during moments of lethargy, serving as a motivational force to keep you on track.

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