Hour of Power!

Balanced living allows you to be selfish and selfless – selfish in the sense of catering to your own needs first; selfless in the sense that by catering to your own needs, you can be of help to others.  When you use your life to serve others and contribute to good causes, you move from success to significance.

An active and healthy body helps the mind as well as the spirit. When your mind is active and positive, it helps your body and your spirit.  And when your soul is nourished, it helps your body and your mind.  The synergistic effect that occurs through balance results in all-round productivity.

Starting your day earlier with the hour of power – 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes reading something uplifting and 20 meditation significantly enhances the next 23 hours.
Why would you not invest that hour?

One minute video from Azim

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