Do What You Love

Finding your life’s purpose will be one of the most important decisions you make. Once you have found your sweet spot, your holy grail, the next step is to build your life around it.

Knowing your purpose and living your purpose is not the same.
What we do to bridge this gap ultimately decides the quality of our reality.

Here are a few tips to make the journey easier:

➢ Articulate your life’s purpose in detail

– We can create all that we can conceive. Writing down your dream helps to crystallize your goals and concentrate your attention. For example, if you want to become a singer, then articulate it in complete details right down to the kind of music you want to associate with, artists you want to work with, the kind of styles you want to experiment with, your lifestyle, etc.

➢ Inculcate self-discipline –

There will be times when the road ahead will seem impossible and you will be plagued by self-doubt. In times like these, it is easy to give up on your dream. Moreover, when you are working on your dream, the locus of control shifts from the outside world to your inner being, often leading you to slow down on tasks. Disciplining yourself to keep up a daily schedule and consistently following through on all activities will help you remain on track.

➢ Don’t expect immediate results –

The starting phase requires your undivided attention. This is the time when you get to work at your craft and hone it to precision. Learn to treat every challenge as a learning opportunity. Do not undervalue this as these obstacles carry within them the potential for great self-growth and transformation.

➢ Be resilient if things do not go as expected

– Planning for every eventuality is a good beginning, but not a guarantee against perceived failure. I call it perceived failure, because there are frankly no failures, only learning which we interpret as failures. Remember, you have the inherent strength to rise up after every fall.

➢ Work hard

– The axiom ‘Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life’ does not mean that you will not have to work hard. It means that work might not seem like work at all since you would be enjoying what you do. However, the fact is that every job will contain certain aspects, which you might not enjoy, but which will need to be done.

➢ Keep a backup plan ready

 – Besides your own role, there are other aspects, which affect the success of your endeavors. Most ideas require a certain running time before they take off. So it’s essential to plan for the long haul, especially if you are supporting a family and need to pay bills. You might even have to work at two jobs in the beginning to maintain your basic lifestyle and this, of course, will need the support of your loved ones.

➢ Break it down

– At times the scale of our dream might seem daunting. Often, in the beginning, you might not know how to start. The way forward here is to break up every big plan into smaller tasks.

The clarity of purpose and having the tenacity, discipline  and focus to go the distance will optimize your chances of success.

How about you? Do you know your purpose and are you living your purpose? If not, why not?

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