
What do you do when someone is unreasonable and uses inaccurate justification?

You have three choices:

– You become unreasonable and also use inaccurate justification. This will make things worse for both of you.

– You ignore the person and become indifferent. This will be better than the above approach but will still not solve the issue.

– You understand the unreasonable behaviour and the inaccurate justification deeper to see what is the reason behind this behaviour. This will begin the breakthrough process.

When you want a behavioural change in others, you begin by changing how you look at their behaviour. Then you follow up with speaking from their paradigm repeating in your own words what you understood from what they are saying. This makes them feel validated and heard. Then you give your piece of how you see things. This approach will have the highest chance of achieving success.

When you look at a problem as ‘before you’ instead of ‘between you’ you begin the breakthrough process!

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