Being Organized!

When things are done in the proper sequence, they often take less time. Such a process sets the stage for results. What is needed is the time to organize and create a system.

Edward Deming, an eminent American statistician, found that 94% of all failures result from flaws in the system, and not from somebody’s unwillingness to do a good job.

Having the right system gives you great leverage. Here are a dozen tips for organizing your life and making it more effective:

1. Organize your paperwork.

You feel most in control of your life when you know where everything is. An organized system cuts down on unnecessary stress.

2. Organize your travel time.

When you organize your travel time, you can actually fit in a lot more things, like catching up on reading, writing, telephone calls, naps, and/or listening to streamed educational content or music.

3. Organize your appointments by priority.

Schedule your important appointments for the time of day when you’re most rested and alert. Schedule the less-important ones for the end of the day, when your energy level may be lower, but enough still to handle low-priority tasks.

4. Break large tasks into smaller steps.

Many of us avoid big projects either because we don’t know where to begin or have limited time to complete them. But once you break big projects into bite-sized tasks, you are able to tackle the biggest jobs.

5. Start with priority items.

Do first things first! Always start with the most important first.

6. Group related activities that might be dealt with via e-mail. By grouping activities, you are able to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Many items can be dealt with by a short email.

7. Make waiting time productive. 

For example, when going to see your dentist, carry work that can take a few minutes to complete, or a book you can browse through. Not only will this make your time productive; it may also take your mind off the drill.

8. Stick to your schedule as much as possible. 

This will save you time thinking about what to do next.

9. Avoid unplanned activities.

Unplanned activities can mess up your schedule and lead to chaos. The only exception would be an unplanned activity that is far more important than the one you are currently handling.

10. Schedule time to relax.

You need time to relax and rejuvenate. If this is not scheduled, it will not happen.

11. Organize your presentations.

If your notes are organized in orderly files, you’ll save lots of time if you ever have to make spur-of-the-moment presentations.

12. Eliminate clutter.

Tidy up your car, desk, bedroom, and/or kitchen. This way you won’t be bogged down trying to locate things buried in the clutter.

Finally, write your goals every morning – it will help you crystallize your thoughts and invite focus!

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