Why Life balance?

Why Life balance?

1. Life Balance will enable you to avoid burn-out, and it can sustain your success.

2. Life Balance creates synergy between body, mind, and spirit.

3. Life Balance enables you to move from success to significance.

Balanced living allows you to be selfish and selfless – selfish in the sense of catering to your own needs first; selfless in the sense that by catering to your own needs, you can be of help to others.

4. Life Balance enables you to find meaning and fulfillment.

When you spend enough time, and spend it well, in areas that are important you find meaning, fulfillment, and happiness.

5. Life Balance enables you to unleash your potential.

When your life is balanced, you have a far greater chance to live up to your potential.

6. Life Balance enables you to have an impact on the world.

The world is made up of more than 200 countries and dependent territories. These, in turn, are divided into states, provinces, and other political sub-divisions. But the basic unit for all of human society is the family. And families are made up of individuals. So every individual who is balanced and is making a contribution toward others is making a difference in his/her family, his/her country, and eventually the world.

One minute message from Azim

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