Attracting fulfillment and abundance!

If you are called upon to contribute to a good cause, grab the opportunity. It is an invitation to attract fulfillment and abundance.


But beware that your path in this journey will not be all smooth. However, this opportunity should lead to gratitude and not frustration as this is where your biggest growth will occur.

We all have enormous potential, but our potential is only tapped when we are either confronted with a very challenging task or when we are graced with an opportunity to contribute to a good cause. We are all born with a gift that we must use toward helping make the world a better place. If we don’t use it, we lose it!

It is always a great blessing and privilege to be given an opportunity to be of service to your fellow beings. Therefore, grab it with both hands and serve with full gusto and enthusiasm, and leave your ego at the door. It has absolutely no room when serving others!

I will go a step further. Only those who are truly blessed get an opportunity to serve and follow through on that blessing. So, if you are getting an opportunity to serve those in need and are actually serving consider yourself blessed!

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